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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Windows Live Writer

I never even heard of this program until my friend asked if I had a MSN messenger account. I knew I did, but I uninstalled MSN because I didn't like it at the time. Now MSN is updated, and I actually like it, but with it, they had some other software you could download. One of those, is Windows Live Writer.

Surprisingly, Windows Live Writer has a very cool looking interface, and it's way better than just writing through Blogger's interface, or any other blog interface for that matter. You can easily add hyperlinks, pictures, tables, maps, tags, and videos. Plus, it all makes it look like you are writing directly onto your blog, not with a plain, boring text box.

Also, it spell checks while your typing--if you don't use a browser with that capability already.

When you first look at it, it doesn't look like it allows you to see/edit the html of the post, but it does. Simply press shift+f11, or view -> HTML code.

It's definitely very cool. If you have a blog, try it out! (it's free)

Download Windows Live Writer